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  • Name:Jinshan LI
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Solidification science and techonology;Casting;Metals and alloys
    Courses: Introduction to materials science and engineering,Titanium and titanium alloys
    General Introduction:Jinshan Li received his MS and PhD degree from Nothwestern Polytechnical University in 1996 amd 1998.His now works at the directior of state key laboratory of solidification science and and technoligy. His research topic related with adcanced metals and alloys and thier precisifion forming techniques,e.g. solidification science,casting.He has pubilished more than 300 international peer reviewed papers and applied more than 100 patents.His is the editor or editorial members of more than 10 journals.
    Selected publications:
    Enhanced mechanical properties of a CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy by supercooling method,Materials & Design,2016,Volume:95,P183-187.
    Evading the strength-ductility trade-offat room temperature and achieving ultrahigh plasticity at 800℃ in a TiAl alloy,Acta Materialia,2021,Volume:225,P117585.
    Simultaneously enhancing strength-ductility synergy and strain hardenability via Si-alloying in medium- Al FeMnAlC lightweight steels,Acta Materialia,2023,Volume:245,P1359-6454.
  • Name:Pingxiang ZHANG
    Professional Title:Professor, Member of CAE
    Research Interests:Functional Materials
    General Introduction:Prof.ZHANG Pingxiang obtained his PhD degree in 1996,majored in physics. In 2019,Prof.ZHANG Pingxiang was elected as an academician of the CAE Member.He is theChairman of Northwest Institute For Non-ferrous Metal Research,and the Dean and Chief Scientist ofthe Institute of Superconducting Materials and Applied Technology of NPU.Prof.Zhang Pingxiang led a team to develop various practical superconducting material with comprehensive performance atthe international leading level and achieved mass production applications.
  • Name:Hongqiang Wang
    Professional Title:Professor
    Research Interests:Perovksite Solar Cells,Solar Water Splitting,Materials for Energy Storage
    Courses: Fundamentals of Solid State Physics,Solar Fuels Generation and Technology
    General Introduction:Hongqiang Wang received his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics at the Institute of Solid State Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,in 2008.He then worked respectively as a Postdoctoral Researcher,Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and Marie Curie Fellow in National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan),Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces(Germany),and University of Liverpool (UK).He has been a Full Professor in Northwestern Polytechnical University(China)since 2015.His main research interest is applications of nano-colloids for energy applications.He has published over 160 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals including Chem.Soc.Rev.,Sci.Adv.,Nat.Commun.,J. Am.Chem.Soc.,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.,Adv.Mater.,which have generated over 7000 citations with H-Index of 49(Web of Science).
    Selected publications:
    Laser Derived Electron Transport Layers with Embedded p-n Heterointerfaces Enabling Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency over 25%,Advanced Materials,2023,Volume:35,P31.
    Activating a Semiconductor-Liquid Junction via Laser-Derived Dual Interfacial Layers for Boosted Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,Advanced Materials,2022,Volume:34,P19.
    Embedding laser generated nanocrystals in BiVO4 photoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting,Nature Communications,2019,Volume:10,P2609.
  • Name:Zhuo ZHANG
    Professional Title:Associate Professor
    Research Interests:Structural Ceramics, Microstructure Analysis,Microstructure-Property Relation, Grain Growth.
    Courses: Physical Property of Materials; High Temperature Structural Materials and Technology for Aeronautics and Astronautics Applications; Introduction to Textured Ceramics.
    General Introduction:Mr ZHANG obtained a Ph.D.in Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in January 2022,majoring in Material Science. During the pursuit of Ph.D., he studied at Delft University of Technology as a joint PhD student for one-year. He has authored or co-authored over 20 journal articles.
    Selected publications:
    Microstructure evolution and solidification behaviour of ZrB2-SiC composite ceramics fabricated by laser surface zone-melting, Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2024, Volume:190,P145-154.
    Microstructure evolution and grain growth mechanisms of h-BN ceramics during hot-pressing. Journal of the European Ceramic Society,2020,Volume:40, P2268-2278.
    On the formation mechanisms and properties of MAX phases: A review, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, Volume:41, P3851-3878.
  • Name:Lingyan XU
    Professional Title:Associate Professor
    Research Interests:Semiconductor crystals, Semiconductor detectors, Radiation detection materials and devices, Radiation damage and protection
    Courses: Physical Property of Materials, Functional Materials
    General Introduction:Dr. Lingyan Xu joined Dr. Ralph James's group at BNL for one-year study in 2009, and obtained the PhD from NPU in 2014. She has been responsible for teaching "Physical Property of Materials (English)" and "Functional Materials (English)", and published more than 20 academic papers as the first author/corresponding author and 60 Papers as co-author.
    Selected publications:
    Investigation of the I-V characteristics of n+/n homo junctions introduced by heavy ion irradiation in CdZnTe crystals, CrystEngComm, 2023, Volume: 25, P1213-1219.
    Effects of sub-band gap illumination on electrical properties and detector performances of CdZnTe:In, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, Volume: 104.
    Radiation damage on CdZnTe:In crystals under high dose 60CoY rays, CrystEngComm, 2013, Volume:15,P10304-10310.
  • Name:Chuanyun WANG
    Professional Title:Associate Professor
    Research Interests:titanium alloys, magnesium alloys, microstructure characterization, deformation and fracture analysis
    Courses: Microstructure analysis of advanced materials Mechanical properties of materials
    General Introduction:Chuanyun Wang received his doctoral degree in materials science from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is a fellow of Chinese Materials Research Society, and has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications. His current research interests lie in the effects of precipitates on the mechanical properties of materials.
    Selected publications:
    Dislocation-particle interactions in magnesium alloys, Acta Materialia, 2020, Volume: 194, P190-206.
    Atomic scale interactions of basal dislocations and twin boundaries with ultrathin precipitates in magnesium alloys, Acta Materialia, 2021, Volume: 221, 117442.
    Twin suppression by atomic scale engineering of precipitate-matrix interfaces, Acta Materialia, 2023,Volume: 248, 118797.
  • Name:Yan FENG
    Professional Title:Associate professor
    Research Interests:
    Shape memory alloy
    Microstructure analysis Additive Manufacturing
    Material Analysis Methods
    Solidification Processing of Light Metals and Alloys Biomaterials
    General Introduction:Special-Assistant professor in Osaka University from 2009 to 2012 Work as an Associate professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering in NWPU Guest Editor in international Journal of “Metals” Serve as Reviewers for “Journal of Alloys and Compounds”and“Materials Letters” Give an English lecture of“Material Analysis Method”
    Selected publications:
    Improvement of mechanical properties and elastocaloric effect in Ag doped Ni-Mn-In magnetic shape memory alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, Volume: 944, 169143.
    Large superelastic recovery and elastocaloric effect in as-deposited additive manufactured Ni50.8Ti49.2 alloy. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, Volume: 114, 221903.
    Enhanced elastocaloric effect and cycle stability in B and Cu co-doping Ni-Mn-In polycrystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, Volume: 114,033901.
  • Name:Jianxi LIU
    Professional Title:Associate Professor
    Research Interests:Nanofabrication, Plasmonic Nanomaterials, Multifunctional Coatings,Smart Lubrication, Optical Sensing
    Courses: Nanomaterial Modification Technology; Inorganic Solid Chemistry, Polymer Failure
    General Introduction:Professor Liu obtained his PhD degree from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He performed postdoctoral research at Northwestern University,USA. In2018, he started independent research career at Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. He has more than 70 publications on theSCI journals, such as PNAS, Adv. Mater.,ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Nano Today etc. He is a guest editor of “Coatings”and member of youth editorial board of“Tribology”and “Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments".
    Selected publications:
    Spatially defined molecular emitters coupled to plasmonic nanoparticle arrays. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2019,Volume:116, P5925-5930.
    Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Fabry-Pérot Cavity Encapsulated TiO2Nanoparticles for Selective Chemical Sensing. Advanced Functional Materials,2022,Volume:32(9),2109541.
    MonolithicMOF-Based Metal-InsulatorMetal Resonator for Filtering and Sensing.Nano Letters, 2023, Volume:23, P637-644.
  • Name:Xiao HAN
    Professional Title:Associate professor
    Research Interests:carbon nanomaterials, nanocomposite, high entropy alloys, electrocatalysis, sensors and actuators
    Courses: Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology, Thermodynamics of Materials, Research Frontiers in Material Science
    General Introduction:Dr. Han obtained her Ph.D. degree from Beihang University, and was once visiting scholar at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Rice University, Technical University of Munich,respectively. She published >50 academic papers and currently serves as the member of young editorial board of EcoEnergy and Green Carbon.
    Selected publications:
    Intrinsic Descriptor Guided Noble Metal Cathode Design for Li-CO2 Battery, Advanced Materials,2023,Volume:35,P33.
    Atomic phosphorus induces tunable lattice strain in high entropy alloys and boosts alkaline water splitting, Nano Energy,2023,Volume:110, 108380.
    A Low-Cost and High-Efficiency Integrated Device toward Solar-Driven Water Splitting, ACS Nano,2020,Volume:14(5),P5426-5434.
  • Name:Qiuge LI
    Professional Title:Associate professor
    Research Interests:1. Laser additive manufacturing and repairing by the technology of laser energy deposition and laser powder bed fusion with the printed materials nickel-based superalloys, titanium, stainless steel and aluminium. 2. Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties analysis of materials, such as metal and other composite materials by technology ofFIB, SEM, EDS, EBSD, DSC, ICP and so on.
    Additive manufacturing and innovative design
    Additive manufacturing materials
    Solidification processing of light metals and alloys
    General Introduction:Master supervisor, visiting scholar at KU Leuven from Aug. 2019 till Aug.2020 in Belgium and Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon from Aug.2023 till Nov.2023 in Germany, presided and participated several important research projects and published more than 30 research papers, professional at the research of laser additive manufacturing and materials characterization.
    Selected publications:
    Development of a high strengthZr/Sc/Hf-modified Al-Mn-Mgalloy using Laser Powder Bed Fusion:Design of. Additive Manufacturing,2022,Volume:57,102967.
    Microstructures and MechanicalBehaviors of Ni-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy DD90 Joints Brazed with a Co-Based Interlayer. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2024,P1-13.
    Morphology evolution of r'phase in K465nickel-base superalloy during laser forming repairing. Joural of Laser Applications, 2016,Volume:28(2),022301.
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